This section offers you some useful free webmaster tools and services. Easy to use, these tools can really help you build, promote, or enhance your website.
Free Website Submission
A safe, quick, and free website submission service. It can help you submit your site
to the major search engines and directories that account for about 95% of your traffic.
Advanced Web Search
A simple service that allows you to simultaneously search on the major search engines and directories,
check your website link popularity and find which pages of your site are indexed by search engines.
Site Search Engine
A free utility which can quickly create site specific search engine, so your visitors
will be able to quickly find what they are looking for within your site.
This is a Windows program that you download and run on your home computer. It works with
the local copy of your website and creates the additional HTML file which contains
all necessary code and data to add search capabilities to your site.
Secure HTML
A free utility for creating password protected Web pages.
This is a Windows program that takes any HTML file and creates new "secure" HTML file
that is encrypted and asks for a password when you try to open it.
Secure HTML - online service
In case you're using an operating system other than Windows or just don't want to download
a suspicious EXE file, this free online service makes exactly the same thing as the above utility.
All you need is a JavaScript enabled browser.
I hope these free webmaster tools will really help you build, promote or enhance your website.
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