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Debugging Streams With Peek
Wed, 20 Mar 2024

I blogged about Java stream debugging in the past, but I skipped an important method that's worthy of a post of its own: peek. This blog post delves into the practicalities of using peek() to debug Java streams, complete with code samples and common pitfalls.
Magnifying glass over code

Understanding Java Streams

Java Streams represent a significant shift in how Java developers work with collections and data processing, introducing a functional approach to handling sequences of elements. Streams facilitate declarative processing of collections, enabling operations such as filter, map, reduce, and more in a fluent style. This not only makes the code more readable but also more concise compared to traditional iterative approaches.

Angular vs. React: Which To Choose for Front-End in 2024
Tue, 19 Mar 2024

The world of web development is ever-evolving, and at the forefront of this change lies the battle for the ultimate front-end framework. Two titans stand out: Angular and React. Both are powerhouses capable of crafting exceptional user interfaces, but which one deserves a place in your next project? Angular or React?

Developed by Google and Facebook respectively, these frameworks have revolutionized the way developers approach front-end development, offering powerful tools and methodologies to create robust applications.

Crafting a Custom Sports Activity Service With OpenAI and Node.js
Mon, 18 Mar 2024

Enter the realm of Artificial Intelligence (AI), where machine learning models and intelligent algorithms are revolutionizing how we interact with data, make decisions, and predict outcomes. The fusion of AI with Node.js opens a portal to a multitude of possibilities, transforming the landscape of web services across various domains, including sports and fitness.


At the base of the application, we going to have some sports activity daily suggestions which will be generated based on AI. That means we do an activity that AI suggested, then we have to ask AI again about suggestions. Then we get a response from AI on our application and expose it for the next day. Then users will see that new suggestion plan again and again day by day.

Initializing Services in Node.js Application
Mon, 18 Mar 2024

While working on a user model, I found myself navigating through best practices and diverse strategies for managing a token service, transitioning from straightforward functions to a fully-fledged, independent service equipped with handy methods. I delved into the nuances of securely storing and accessing secret tokens, discerning between what should remain private and what could be public. Additionally, I explored optimal scenarios for deploying the service or function and pondered the necessity of its existence. This article chronicles my journey, illustrating the evolution from basic implementations to a comprehensive, scalable solution through a variety of examples.


In a Node.js application, services are modular, reusable components responsible for handling specific business logic or functionality, such as user authentication, data access, or third-party API integration. These services abstract away complex operations behind simple interfaces, allowing different parts of the application to interact with these functionalities without knowing the underlying details. By organizing code into services, developers achieve separation of concerns, making the application more scalable, maintainable, and easier to test. Services play a crucial role in structuring the application’s architecture, facilitating a clean separation between the application’s core logic and its interactions with databases, external services, and other application layers. I decided to show an example with JWT Service. Let’s jump to the code.

Angular Components and Display: Understanding the Non-Block Default
Thu, 14 Mar 2024

Angular, a powerful framework for building dynamic web applications, is known for its component-based architecture. However, one aspect that often puzzles new developers is the fact that Angular components do not have a display: block style by default. This article explores the implications of this design choice, its impact on web development, and how developers can effectively work with it.

The world of front-end development is replete with frameworks that aim to provide developers with robust tools to build interactive and dynamic web applications.

T3 vs. T4 Stack: Which Starter Kit To Choose?
Tue, 05 Mar 2024

Every time you start developing your app, you’re left with the initial drag of setting up your development environment.

It carefully requires you to connect the different technologies, follow conventions, and ensure everything is set up properly before writing the first business logic code.

Angular's Evolution: Embracing Change in the Web Development Landscape
Mon, 04 Mar 2024

In the world of web development, frameworks come and go, but some - like Angular - make a lasting impact. This blog post delves into Angular's journey, exploring its rise, the challenges it has faced, and how it's adapting to stay relevant in the ever-evolving tech landscape.

The Rise and Challenge of Angular

Angular version 1.0, also known as AngularJS, was released by Google in the year 2010. During that period, AngularJS emerged as a frontrunner in the race for web development frameworks. In its early days, it was celebrated for its distinct features such as data binding, model view architecture, and testing capabilities. Those features, as well as its support for dependency injection, quickly made it a preferred choice for developers.

Leveraging Feature Flags With IBM Cloud App Configuration in React Applications
Mon, 04 Mar 2024

In modern application development, delivering personalized and controlled user experiences is paramount. This necessitates the ability to toggle features dynamically, enabling developers to adapt their applications in response to changing user needs and preferences. 

Feature flags, also known as feature toggles, have emerged as a critical tool in achieving this flexibility. These flags empower developers to activate or deactivate specific functionalities based on various criteria such as user access, geographic location, or user behavior. React, a popular JavaScript framework known for its component-based architecture, is widely adopted in building user interfaces. Given its modular nature, React applications are particularly well-suited for integrating feature flags seamlessly. 

JS Toolbox 2024: Bundlers and Test Frameworks
Mon, 04 Mar 2024

JavaScript is bigger than ever, and the ecosystem is nothing short of overwhelming. In this JS toolbox 2024 series, we’ve selected and analyzed the most noteworthy JS tools, so that you don’t have to.

In part 1 of this series, we explored the foundations of any JavaScript project: runtime environments and package management. In part 2, we focused on JavaScript frameworks and static site generators. Now, in part 3, we turn our attention to the tools that refine and optimize the development process: Bundlers and test frameworks. 

JS Toolbox 2024: Runtime Environments and Package Management
Thu, 29 Feb 2024

Series Introduction

Staying ahead of the curve in JavaScript development requires embracing the ever-evolving landscape of tools and technologies. As we navigate through 2024, the landscape of JavaScript development tools will continue to transform, offering more refined, efficient, and user-friendly options.

This "JS Toolbox 2024" series is your one-stop shop for a comprehensive overview of the latest and most impactful tools in the JavaScript ecosystem.

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